I'm a city girl. With a dog farm. And an EXTREMELY patient husband.

I'm a city girl. With a dog farm. And an EXTREMELY patient husband.

Monday, December 8, 2014

A New Decade

    It's so unbelievable to me that I will be turning THIRTY in 43 days. If embarking on a new decade of age doesn't paralyze you and make you re-evaluate your life, kudos to you my friend. I remember turning 25 and thinking WHOA! What am I doing with my life! The thing I love most about my husband though, is he is ok with change. Turns out, neither one of us are very traditional. Sure, we love the holidays and our family heritage but in our day-to-day lives, our goals and dreams are constantly changing.
    In 2010, we started new jobs right out of college (BOOMER!), bought a home, got married, and thought we had life all figured out. But then life actually happened. I was at an oil and gas company, bored out of my mind and knew that this was not for me. I felt like a caged bird and was determined I would never be "stuck" in a job I loathed. Great perks but utterly unfulfilling. Honestly, I wasn't ready to settle down, in the sense of starting a family, and thankfully neither was my husband. So, a year later I applied to grad school and began working on my masters. From there on out, EVERYTHING changed; my opinions, my beliefs, my ideas. And slowly but surely, mine and my husband's relationship began to change. I thought because we met in college, we were so well rounded to make the conscious decision to get married and that we knew everything. We didn't know didly squat. But we had passion. And turns out, that was enough for us while we hopped on this roller coaster that we call "life".
    We took MAJOR leaps of faith. Quitting my job at Chesapeake, taking a nanny position, attending grad school full time all while having a mortgage was TERRIFYING. But somehow, miraculously, everything fell perfectly into place and worked out for us; I really believe it was because Brian and I never stopped believing in each other. Corny but true. My biggest fear is that we would just "settle" or "do what we were supposed to do" out of expectation or frustration but I thank my lucky stars every day that we push through to OUR goals and dreams. We are choosing our own path. Brian and I have learned to be so incredibly open with each other. You have to be if you want your marriage to last.
    At this point, I have HOPE. I feel so extremely excited for 2015. For NYE, Brian had the most amazing idea to fly out to Malibu to visit some of our best friends and take that time to make some life altering decisions. I love when that man is spontaneous. It was like that one time he woke up on Labor Day Monday and said "Let's go get a puppy!", all over again.
    Right now we are torn between our roots and our wings but there is a great big world out there and I just want to experience it ALL. Whatever your quest may be, good luck and go with confidence; life is too short to not find your happiness.